How to Create and Deliver Intelligent Information

Series: In Love with my IT Job

In our series, people from different age and professional groups introduce us to their IT jobs. Beginners, students or people with quite long working experience share their motivation and recommendations, confirming prejudices or invalidating them.

Today we have talked with Ulrika Månsson. She is a Language Engineer and CAT Tool Specialist at a Sweden language service provider. Earlier she accomplished a technical writer training and worked as a translator and language teacher. Let us tell her what makes her job loveable …


Is there a “typical technical writer” for you?

Ulrika: No, just in the same way as I don’t think there is a ‘typical technical writer job’. The people are just as diverse as the tasks they are performing.

Please introduce us to your job.
Describe a typical working day, starting after you’ve enjoyed your first coffee.

Ulrika: At the moment, I am studying web design for eCommerce, trying to get by as a translator on the side. So my normal day is filled with coding and reading books on eCommerce.

What made you want to build a career in this profession?

Ulrika: I worked for many years as a translator, then with language engineering, preparing projects for translation. I noticed that many clients lack knowledge in writing technical texts, and what impact small changes can have on a text, for example, for the user experience and cost of translation. I am hoping that I can use my new knowledge and help clients produce better text.

What has surprised you?

Ulrika: It is a bit embarrassing and probably seems arrogant, but I was surprised at how much knowledge a good technical communicator must have. The area has been a bit neglected, but passing on information that can actually mean the difference between life and death is important!

Our last question: What advice do you have for those who want to go in the same direction?

Ulrika: Educate yourself, take it seriously, and be proud of what you do!


Thank you, Ulrika, for this interesting insight. We wish you all the best for your next years!


Series: In Love with my IT Job


Ulrika accomplished the TCTrainNet program. It is an international training and certification program in Technical Communication, managed by tcworld and can also be used as a preparation course for the international tekom certification.


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