Will Artificial Intelligence fail to catch on because it costs too much?
A bottomless pit or sustainable: There are a number of things to consider when developing artificial intelligence. What can you do to keep AI from running out of steam?
A bottomless pit or sustainable: There are a number of things to consider when developing artificial intelligence. What can you do to keep AI from running out of steam?
The hype about machine translation has not yet subsided, but there are more and more practical applications that offer added value to industrial companies, language service providers and translators. In this article I will discuss the requirements that need to be met in order to successfully implement machine translation.
Interview with Cruce Saunders
Who haven´t heard about bots, AI and intelligent content the last 2 years?
But how big is the benefit when we make our content smarter? And how do we start? Content Engineer and Consultant Cruce Saunders says, that intelligent Content has the ability to deliver more than the investment you put into it.
That is a big chance. Let´s ask him, how we come closer to intelligent content.
Ray Gallon
If a child grows up with Augmented Reality (AR) all around, what notion will that child have about what is “real”?
In a world where fake news abounds, and is easy to produce, what can we do to know which news sources we can trust?
Information specialists have a potentially important role in developing how society responds to these questions, and how we educate ourselves to live well amongst them …
Ray Gallon
Ever since founder Wim Hooghwinkel started the Information Energy conference, it has been a place for innovation, cross-disciplinary exchange, and unexpected surprises. This year, the conference takes a new turn, while maintaining its tradition of innovation and silo bridging.
Interview with Dr. Stephan Sigg
To answer our questions about the future, such as what is possible or when will we be living in a world of ubiquitous computing, we have to ask those who are sitting and working next to these future technologies, like Dr. Stephan Sigg.
Let´s dive deeper and take the opportunity to talk with him and try to get closer to our questions.
Andy McDonald
At the Information Energy Day at tcworld in Suttgart, the level of exchanges between attendees and speakers demonstrates that chatbots are indeed the technology that a lot of companies are trying to embrace. It also confirmed that professionals from the techcomm world have a key role to play alongside the technologists putting them together.
Ellis Pratt
It seems likely that artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-driven chatbots will play a key role in helping users in the future. So what does this mean for technical communicators and for User Assistance? In this article Ellis Pratt gives an insight into:
If you want to download this article free as PDF click here.
Awane Jones
A lot of the industry has already adopted VR as a design platform for their projects. The purpose often remains the same: to review a project before committing resources to it. Let´s take a look on these 3 clips with Awane Jones:
Kai Weber
Using semantic wikis and information models which map relationships between entities in our content, we can amplify the intelligence of our users and our products – the UAreloaded conference showed us how…
Reinoud Kaasschieter
Computers help people create film trailers, musical compositions, and even write news articles. We should ask these three questions:
Ellis Pratt
If you had a better understanding of each individual reader of your content, could you create better User Assistance? Could you personalize it for each user? Let´s take a closer look on these questions…