Not Like the Others #2 – What’s Special About UA Reloaded? Tell Us, Marianne Macgregor!
Not like the others: the innovative UA Reloaded, an international conference newly conceived by tekom and SAP focusing on user assistance, creates a completely new space for the exchange of information dealing with the striking changes that user assistance can have on our future, with specialist lectures and interactive workshops.
From May 15 to 16, 2019, industry experts and interested parties will speak and interact in St. Leon Rot (near beautiful Heidelberg, Germany) about the latest opportunities and visions for video documentation, service design, virtual reality and other exciting topics. One of them is John Sumpter, who talks to us about his UA experiences in the first part of our interview series “Not Like the Others – What’s Special About UA Reloaded?”.
User Assistance Development Architect
Marianne Macgregor
…is a German Scot and works for SAP as a User Assistance Development Architect. She is currently leading an SAP User Assistance project on conversational UI and chatbots, something she is very passionate about. As part of her job, she is constantly looking at new technologies and the role user assistance can play in the future of work.
Let’s get started!
Hello Marianne. Why are you coming to UA Reloaded?
Marianne: UA Reloaded is a great opportunity to learn about what different companies are doing today and their view of the future, as well as find out about emerging technologies in technical communication. It also gives me the chance to hear from and meet with thought leaders, exchange knowledge and ideas, and increase my network. This year I also have the great opportunity to share my knowledge with participants in a workshop.
Have you already been to UA Reloaded?
Marianne: I attended UA Reloaded in 2018 for the first time. I really loved the mix of talks and workshops, and the chance to network and exchange knowledge with other participants from the world of technical communication. UA Reloaded is special in my eyes in that it gives us the chance to take a closer look at emerging technologies and how they relate to technical communication in a relaxed atmosphere.
Marianne, you will give a workshop at UA Reloaded as well. It is called “Keep Calm and Carry On: Reusing Existing UA Content for Your Chatbot”. What an interesting topic! Can you tell us what this is about in one sentence only?
Marianne: In this workshop, Paul Tanzer and I will show how you can use existing text-based user assistance content in chatbots, provide tips and tricks to do this, and help participants build a simple chatbot.
And what can your participants expect from it? What are the learning outcomes?
Marianne: Chatbots are becoming the norm in our private lives, but also now in our business lives. Gartner predicted that by 2020, we will be having more conversations with chatbots than with our partners. User assistance content is a goldmine for chatbots and can really assist end users with their tasks and any potential issues they may have with software, and it will make them more efficient and productive.
In our workshop, we aim to show the huge potential opportunities for reusing existing structured content in chatbots, as well as how and which types of content can be easily reused. By building their own simple chatbot in the workshop, participants will gain a better understanding of what is possible and will be able to implement what they learn going forward.
Who should participate?
Marianne: Anyone interested in reusing user assistance content in chatbots and wanting to learn more about how chatbots work.
UA Reloaded offers great opportunities, for example, professional exchange, networking, inspiration and much more. What do you look forward to the most?
Marianne: I’m really looking forward to sharing knowledge with my peers in technical communication and getting inspiration from the various talks and workshops. I’m also really excited to be able to share what we have learned about reusing user assistance content in our workshop and on discussing what we learned with the participants.
Thank you, Marianne, and enjoy UA Reloaded 2019.